Newsletter 9 July 2020
In this newsletter attention for the following:
- KNMI Data Platform now also has a new front end
- Progress KNMI Data Platform
- Not all KNMI data in KDP
KNMI Data Platform now also has a new front end
In the previous newsletter we informed you about the landing page that leads you to our new Developer Portal. Hopefully you have managed to get started converting your scripts from FTP to API.
To provide you with more information than (limited) metadata descriptions and the overview of available Open Data products, we have also worked on a new website and landing page of the Data Portal. With the discontinuation of KDC, the KDC website also disappears. As mentioned before, the plan is to replace KDC with KDP as of Monday July 27th.
The new website is under development, but you can take a look at For now, the site is only available in Dutch. The English version will be available as soon as possible. This site also links to the Developer portal. Do you have any questions or tips, or are there things you are missing? Please contact us at the e-mail address below.
What else changes on short term? From now on, all e-mail must be sent to a new e-mail address:
Progress KNMI Data Platform
The development team of the KNMI Data Platform implemented the browse and click interface. An extra 'browse' column has now been added to the data catalogue. Clicking on this column will take you to a page with all data files (paginated, 10 per page). Via the button 'download' you can then download a file. The functionality is intended for a quick look at what the data files look like. For real-time data downloads or downloading larger parts of a dataset you can use the Open Data API.
One of the 2 Radar Workshops has already taken place. The enthusiastic participants have worked with the development team in an online session to answer questions about access to archive data, access the 'latest' data, and how do we keep in touch during development? In the next newsletter we will discuss the results of the workshops in more detail.
In addition, we are still working on the data upload API, in preparation for the Ruisdael measurement campaign. KDP is responsible for the storage and distribution of the data for the Ruisdael consortium. For more information about Ruisdael, visit the Ruisdael website.
Not all KNMI data in KDP
On a number of occasions, we received questions about KNMI data in KNMI web domains other than KDP. For example, climate data can be found on the climate pages of the KNMI website (Dutch). This situation did not change.