Newsletter 28 January 2021
In this newsletter attention for the following:
- Highlights 2020
- Outlook 2021
- Improvement of the KDP catalogue
- Developments radar APIs
- Developments in information provision
Highlights 2020
It was a different 2020 than expected for everyone. The developments at KNMI Data Platform (KDP) went differently, but mainly thanks to your feedback and flexibility, we were able to achieve quite a bit last year:
- The new website went online on June 30
- The KDC was replaced on July 27 by the new platform KDP: from FTP to API
- We now have more than 600 registered KDP users (see graph below)
- We sent out 9 newsletters to a still growing number of interested parties
- 2 online workshops have been organized regarding the development of Radar APIs
- A usage survey was sent out to our users and used to guide KDP development
- Answering questions was taken up more actively following the transition to a new platform. However, based on our Open Data policy and the service around free downloadable datasets our service is limited from a cost perspective.
These are the most popular datasets since we have been online:
- Radar forecast
- HARMONIE Arome - Netherlands
- Current10mindataKNMIstations

Outlook 2021
Improvement of the KDP catalogue
In the coming year, the KDP development team will continue to improve the data services of the KDP platform. In the coming quarter we will focus on improving the findability of the datasets. For this we will improve the quality of the descriptions and implement search functionality. The basis for this will be the KNMI dataset catalog, in which the metadata (dataset descriptions) have been defined.
Developments radar APIs
Last quarter we worked on optimizing the radar processing chain and improving the available radar API. It was agreed with the users that the first thing to work on is a 'notification API'. By using this API the user will receive a signal as soon as new data is available. The testing of this Notification API has started. Based on the findings of the test group it will be decided how to proceed.
Developments in information provision
The Data Services team will continue to develop our information provision. We focus on the website, the English version is now online. We are going to make a top 10 of most downloaded datasets and in response to the questions we have received, we want to set up a FAQ page. In addition, we will continue to produce these newsletters to keep you informed.