KNMI Open Data extra newsitem November 2023

Changes in Actuele10mindataKNMIstations

We regret to inform you that due to a mistake in our preparations, a portion of the adjustments for Actuel10mindataKNMIstations dataset was inadvertently implemented on Tuesday, November 7. Given the state of the changes already made, we thought it more desirable to move forward with the planned situation of November 20, and put the entire adjustment live on last Friday, November 10, at 10:10 UTC. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding in this matter.

The changes that have been made can be read back in our previous newsletter. You can find this newsletter on our overview of Open Data Newsletters.


Graphic design: National government

Content: KNMI Open Data team

Logos are copyright of the organization concerned