Statistics KNMI Data Platform
A list of the top 10 datasets most downloaded by our users on KNMI Data Platform (KDP). This is a snapshot and gives an insight into our popular datasets.
Top 10 datasets
Nr. |
Dataset omschrijving |
Link KDP |
1 | Meteo data - actual synoptic observations KNMI the Netherlands per 10 minutes | Actuele10mindataKNMIstations/2 |
2 | Weather model - HARMONIE-AROME Cy40 forecasts of last 24 hours Netherlands, near surface and boundary layer parameters | harmonie_arome_cy40_p1/0.2 |
3 | Precipitation - radar 5 minute reflectivity composites over the Netherlands | radar_reflectivity_composites/2.0 |
4 | Weather model - HARMONIE-AROME Cy40 forecasts of last 24 hours Europe, near surface, boundary layer and pressure level parameters | harmonie_arome_cy40_p3/0.2 |
5 | Precipitation - radar 5 minute forecasted radar reflectivity composites over the Netherlands up to 2 hours ahead | radar_forecast/1.0 |
6 | Precipitation - radar 5 minute full volume data Herwijnen | radar_volume_full_herwijnen/1.0 |
7 | Precipitation - radar 5 minute full volume data Den Helder | radar_volume_denhelder/2.0 |
8 | Precipitation - radar 5 minute echo top height composites over the Netherlands | radar_echotopheight_5min/1.0 |
9 | Precipitation - radar/gauge 5-minute ensemble nowcast of precipitation over the Netherlands | precipitation_NL_ensemble_nowcast_5min |
10 | Precipitation - radar/gauge 3 hour accumulations over the Netherlands | radar_corr_accum_03h/1.0 |