Newsletter 14 April 2022

In this newsletter attention for the following:

  • Progress KNMI Data Platform
  • List of new, renamed and deleted datasets
  • Anonymous API key has been replaced
  • Accessibility web content KDP greatly improved

Progress KNMI Data Platform

Recently, the metadata link between our KNMI Data Platform (KDP) and the National GeoRegister (NGR) has been automated. NGR is the GEO data platform for registration of all Open Data data products. NGR also provides the link to the Open Data portal of the government.

When a new or changed dataset is present, it is now published more quickly at NGR. With this we do not only comply with our legal obligation, but our online findability has also increased. In this way we hope to be able to help more people find the right KNMI data.

List of new, renamed and deleted datasets

The KNMI Data Platform (KDP) is continuously updated and new datasets and new versions of datasets have been published during this period. In addition, a number of datasets have been given a new technical name. New versions or new dataset names have been replaced each time for the deleted datasets. The changes are of a technical nature and no changes have been made to the data. All changes are listed in the tables below:

New datasets on KDP

New dataset name

Link on KDP

Netherlands Seismic Station Magnitude Completeness Map

CellWarn polygons for tracking of hazardous thunderstorms and associated phenomena

Precipitation - 10 seconds measurements by Ruisdael Micro Rain Radar (Metek) in Cabauw

Seismic site response zonation map

Datasets with a new technical name

Dataset name

Old technical dataset name*

New technical dataset name

New link on KDP

Unvalidated surface in and outgoing radiation observations

cesar_surface_rad_la1_t10 v1.0

cesar_surface_radiation_la1_t10 v1.0

Surface in and outgoing radiation, validated

cesar_surface_rad_lb1_t10 v1.0

cesar_surface_radiation_lb1_t10 v1.0

Surface in and outgoing radiation, validated and gapfilled

cesar_surface_rad_lc1_t10 v1.0

cesar_surface_radiation_lc1_t10 v1.0

*The old datasets are removed on March 14.

Datasets with a new version
Dataset name     New link on KDP
Meteo data - actual synoptic observations KNMI the Netherlands per 10 minutes, versie 1
WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HARMONIE-AROME as daily files, versie 1
WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HARMONIE-AROME as time series per grid point, versie 1

Anonymous API key has been replaced

As you may have read on the website, the anonymous API key 2021 has been replaced by a new one. Due to a technical complication, the old API key could have been used longer than intended. However, it has now been possible to replace it.

See also this news item for more information about this.

Accessibility web content KDP greatly improved

Not all visitors at the KNMI Data Platform (KDP) can understand the web content. This can include elderly people, the low-literate, but also people with a functional disability. With the help of the WCAG you can make a website easily accessible for these groups. WCAG stands for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. These are the international guidelines for accessibility of web content. Application of WCAG 2.1 has been mandatory since December 23, 2018. A website complies with WCAG 2.1 with both the Dutch and European guidelines for digital accessibility.

The websites and have been tested on the WCAG 2.1 guidelines. now complies with the guidelines and we are well on our way with We hope to be fully WCAG compliant soon.